Thursday, March 26, 2020

P.E. with Joe

Hi Everyone!

A BIG shout out to Mrs. Duvall for sharing with me an excellent resource for in home physical activity! In turn, I would like to share it with all of you. Joe Wicks, also known as, “The Body Coach” is creating daily 30 minute PE workouts. I have tried out a couple myself and I love them! He is energetic, fun, and the workouts use minimal equipment. He posts the workouts to his YouTube channel, The Body Coach TV and the PE workouts are listed under P.E. With Joe.

My favorite so far is Wednesday’s workout - Be careful during his Spiderman Moves segment- I may have accidentally knocked down a picture frame in my living room trying the wall jump move...WHOOPS!

I hope everyone is happy and well! I miss you all!


Mrs. Claflin

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Remote Learning Documents

Activity Ideas and Resources

Weekly Activity Log

Alphabet Fitness Bingo

Remote Learning

During this period of remote learning the goal is for each student to participate in daily physical activity. I would like for each student to strive to get exercise each day, whether that be indoors or out.

Here you will find a list of activity and movement ideas that will require little to no equipment. I have also listed and linked some of my favorite Just Dance videos, GoNoodle movement breaks, and Cosmic Kids videos. These are fun and simple exercises that can be shared among family members with a variety of abilities.

Here you will also find a document listed as “Weekly Activity Log” This is a two page document containing a Week #1 Log and a Week #2 Log. For each day, students are encouraged to list their physical activities and the number of minutes they spent on each activity. If your student is in grade 3 or above I encourage him/her to try and label the type of exercise. For instance, a cosmic kids video would be labeled as flexibility, while a game of tag would be labeled as cardio. Grade 2 or below are welcome to label their physical activities as well but it is not expected.

I have uploaded a fun 35 day challenge that can certainly be counted towards daily physical activity minutes over the next two weeks. The challenge is called Alphabet Fitness Bingo.

If you are able, please create a copy of the Weekly Activity Log and share back your progress at the end of each week.

Please email me at with any questions or concerns during our remote learning period and to share weekly progress. I would encourage you to share pictures, videos, or descriptions of all the activities you try out. I would love to see them!


Mrs. Claflin