Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Daily Schedules and Routines

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all settling into remote learning. This has all been a BIG change from what we are used to but it is so important to come up with a plan and do our best to stick to it. This is where routines come into play.

A routine is a daily task or actions that are regularly followed. For instance, in school, your routine or schedule probably looks very similar for each day. This helps keep everyone organized and on time.

Do you like routines and schedules? I certainly do. Routines help me complete all tasks I need to do. If I didn’t follow routines, I might forget to do something important. Routines also help me feel less stressed and more relaxed.

I would like for you all to think about your daily routines. Where does movement and physical activity fall into your routine? As you know it is recommended that children participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Our bodies need to burn off energy on a regular basis to help keep us healthy. Regular exercise will also help to improve your quality of sleep. So when it is time for bed, your body feels ready.

Take a peak at Kevin's Daily Schedule. What patterns do you notice about his day? Look closely at what Kevin tends to do after eating and resting.

Share with me what you notice about Kevin's daily schedule and then let me know what your daily routines look like!